8 december 2022 4233

Rectors of Almaty universities met at Satbayev University in the seminar on combating corruption

Rectors of Almaty universities met at Satbayev University in the seminar on combating corruption

On December 8, Seminar-conference dedicated to International Anti-Corruption Day was held at Satbayev University. Seminar topic was “Proactive promotion of anti-corruption management in quasi-public sector entities by the independent service of “compliance officer.”

The conference was attended by rectors and compliance officers of twenty Almaty universities. Moderator of the seminar-conference was Rector of "Polytech" Meiram Begentayev, Deputy head of RK Agency department for combating corruption in Almaty Daniyar Taumurat made a welcome speech. Then the audience heard reports by Meiram Begentayev, Vice-Rector for academic affairs Bakhyt Zhautikov, Vice-rector for socio-cultural development Mansur Alimkhanov, compliance officer at Satbayev University Abdigali Zhumanov, Head of prevention department at Anti-corruption agency Kanat Salimbayev and Head of Republican project office "Sanaly Urpaq" Kaiyrzhan Tokushev.

Combating corruption is a task of national importance and Satbayev University does everything to counteract corruption and prevent its occurrence.

Ректоры алматинских вузов встретились на семинаре по борьбе с коррупцией в Satbayev University

Ректоры алматинских вузов встретились на семинаре по борьбе с коррупцией в Satbayev University

Ректоры алматинских вузов встретились на семинаре по борьбе с коррупцией в Satbayev University

Ректоры алматинских вузов встретились на семинаре по борьбе с коррупцией в Satbayev University

Ректоры алматинских вузов встретились на семинаре по борьбе с коррупцией в Satbayev University

Ректоры алматинских вузов встретились на семинаре по борьбе с коррупцией в Satbayev University

Ректоры алматинских вузов встретились на семинаре по борьбе с коррупцией в Satbayev University

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