21 april 2023 2547

Reservoir and city administration: IA&CE master's students talk about their internship in Baku

Reservoir and city administration: IA&CE master's students talk about their internship in Baku

From March 30 to April 18, 2023, master's students of the Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering have completed an overseas research fellowship at the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction in Baku, Azerbaijan. Eleven students - architects, civil engineers and occupational safety specialists - had the opportunity to broaden their understanding of their profession and learn about the standards and approaches in another country's construction industry.

The Kazakh students were warmly welcomed by Professor Gulchokhra Mammadova, Rector of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, after which the Masters students departed to their place of study, each according to his or her individual programme.

One of the trainees, future architect Alikhan Eshpanov, shared his impressions:

During my internship, I worked on the subject of my Master's thesis. I studied Liberty Square in Baku, which is the square where the administration building is located, very beautiful. He made a field survey, took photographs and created a layout of the city administration building in the structure of the square. I will process the results here together with my supervisor. In addition, I would like to say that it was easy to learn, we were very warmly welcomed, we were shown everything, and they even gave me a book on interior graphics.

Alihan plans to donate the book to his home university library.

The internships for the other Masters students were just as busy. Students participated in health and safety laboratories, studied the process of water treatment in reservoirs, and visited the treatment facilities at the Jeyranbatan reservoir and Takhtakörpu Azerbaijan.

A rich university library was available for students, as well as lectures on the speciality. The students express their gratitude to the management and staff of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction and Satbayev University for the rewarding experience and the opportunity to gain new knowledge.

Водохранилище и городской акимат: магистранты ИАиС рассказывают о стажировке в Баку

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