27 november 2021 4137

RK National Engineering Academy summed up the results of 2021

RK National Engineering Academy summed up the results of 2021

RK National Engineering Academy summed up the results of 2021 and identified the tasks to be addressed by the efforts of the engineering community of Kazakhstan.

On November 26, General Meeting Session of National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK NEA) was held in Almaty under the chairmanship of a prominent Kazakh mathematician, deputy of the Senate of RK Parliament, President of RK NEA RK Academician Bakytzhan Tursynovich Zhumagulov.

The final meeting of the association of leading engineers in the country was timed to 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the same "round" date of National Engineering Academy.

During the meeting, the participants spoke about the dominant role of the First President - Elbassy Nursultan Nazarbayev in forming the country and engineering science in Kazakhstan, determined the format and scope of participation of the engineering community within implementing the goals and objectives outlined in President's Address to the People in 2021.

— The level of development of technical sciences, engineering is an indicator of the quality of human capital and the competitiveness of the economy as a whole. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the sustainable development and economic security of the country depends on the engineering community today, — said President of RK NEA B. T. Zhumagulov.

The meeting participants discussed the urgent tasks of moving to a fundamentally new level of practical implementation of the results of science, its effective integration with production and business. In a separate block, the issues of meeting the promising technological requirements of the market and proposals for providing the machine-building industry with qualified human resources, ways to solve the problems of practical training of students in machine-building areas are considered. The meeting participants also heard a report on the development related to fundamental and applied research in research institutes, after which the elections of new full members (academicians) and corresponding members of RK NEA took place.

Национальная инженерная академия РК подвела итоги 2021 года

During the meeting, Bakhytzhan Zhumagulov noted that President of the country pays great attention to science.

— I have to say today that our President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev specified many issues in his message to the People this year. I will focus on just one thing. Funding for science is increasing significantly. This means you need to show the result. We must first of all pay attention to the effectiveness of scientific research. Today I can firmly say that  President of the country pays great attention to science and I must say that Ministry of Education and Science, headed by Minister Askhat Kanatovich Aimagambetov, is doing a tremendous job to tighten all levers, regardless of the form of ownership, so that we all work, so that all science works for the economy of Kazakhstan," President of RK NEA” said B. T. Zhumagulov.

Then the results of the Republican contest "Best Engineer of 2021" were summed up. This prestigious title was awarded to Akhmetov U. B. (mechanical engineering), Vakhnenko V. V. (nuclear power engineering), Mussabekov Zh. B. (metallurgy), Steer E. V. (mining and metallurgical industry), Baimakhanova B. B. (biotechnology, virology).

Национальная инженерная академия РК подвела итоги 2021 года

48 applications were submitted for participation in the competition in the following areas and industries: materials science, ecology, construction, metro construction, coal and mining industry, metallurgy, thermal power engineering, mechanical engineering, nuclear power, information and computer technology, space technology and technology, biotechnology, food and processing industry.

The meeting of the country's leading engineers was held on the basis of Satbayev Universty, which is endowed with the status of a research technical university. University scientists, along with fundamental research, carry out joint projects with the participation of such enterprises as Kazzinc, Kazatomprom, Kazchrome, PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources, Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant, etc. In 2021, the university implemented 51 projects and 20 economic and contractual topics (contract research) commissioned by enterprises of oil and gas, mining and metallurgical, geological industries, as well as projects through JSC "Science Foundation".

                                                                                     Press Center of RK NEA

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