15 september 2023 1776

Round table dedicated to the anniversary of Academician Yerengaip Shaikhutdinov was held at Satbayev University

Round table dedicated to the anniversary of Academician Yerengaip Shaikhutdinov was held at Satbayev University

On September 15, "QazPolymers Dialogue: System of interaction between education, science and business" Round table was held at Satbayev University, dedicated to 90th anniversary of RK NAS Academician Yerengaip Malikovich Shaikhutdinov. The dialogue was attended by Member of Council of Senators, Senator of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of IV convocation Hussain Valiyev, Deputy of RK Parliament Majilis of VIII convocation Bakytzhan Bazarbek, as well as Chairperson of “Producers and Consumers of Petrochemical Products Association” Council Raushan Sarmurzina.

Also, employees of the country’s largest technical universities took part in Round table. In addition to Satbayev University researchers, there were representatives of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, L.N. Gumilyev ENU, KBTU, Ye.A. Buketov KarSU, S.Utebayev AUOG, "Association of Producers and Consumers of Petrochemical Products", as well as small and medium-sized businesses.

Scientists presented new developments and achievements in polymer chemistry field, shared their vision of the industry growth. Within the framework of Round table, an exchange of views took place between representatives of education, science and business, dedicated to the polymer industry growth in the country.

Polymers are substances derived from oil, which are used everywhere in modern life. These are bags, dishes, glue, varnishes, jewelry, wires, car parts, medical devices, implants. However, the petrochemical industry of Kazakhstan is at the stage of formation, and production faces many issues that need to be addressed.

Round table raised the most pressing issues of personnel training for the emerging industry, as well as the development of innovative technologies for it. The participants of the dialogue focused their attention on the issues of integration of the educational process and scientific activities aimed at solving the tasks of polymer profile enterprises.

Round table was held on Satbayev University’s initiative with the support of Fluor Kazakhstan, one of the world's largest petrochemical companies. Round table was dedicated to the memory of the famous Kazakh scientist and teacher, Academician Yerengaip Malikovich Shaikhutdinov, who did a lot for the study of polymers and for the creation of the polymer industry in Kazakhstan. Yerengaip Shaykhutdinov is a Soviet and Kazakh scientist, public and political figure, Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR. Author of more than 600 scientific papers and inventions in the field of chemistry. His achievements were marked by many awards, including "Parassat", "Kurmet" and "Barys" medals.

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