2 december 2022 3780

Rules of conduct in case of an earthquake: Military Affairs Institute spent trainings

Rules of conduct in case of an earthquake: Military Affairs Institute spent trainings

On December 2, Satbayev University Military Affairs Institute spent earthquake response trainings. Trainings were held as part of Citywide seismic training together with Headquarters of CD, IS and LP as well as University’s Center for Operational Activities.

Almost 400 employees and students of Institute took part in trainings. At “Attention to all” signal, the participants worked out the evacuation to a safe place.

 Правила поведения при землетрясении: Институт военного дела провел учения

10 simple steps in case of an earthquake

1. Stay calm.

2. Do not use the elevator and stairs.

3. Do not stand near the furniture, windows, do not stand under the chandelier.

4. Find shelter, group up, cover your head with your hands.

5. Leave the room after the tremors stop.

6. Turn off water, gas, electricity before leaving.

7. Take an alarm case (water, flashlight, first aid kit, documents, etc.).

8. Stay away from electrical lines, buildings, trees.

9. Be prepared for repeated tremors.

10. Help children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

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