16 november 2017 9506

Satbaeyv University signed a cooperation agreement with the Scientific Research Institute for Labor Protection

Satbaeyv University signed a cooperation agreement with the Scientific Research Institute for Labor Protection

November 8, 2017 there was a meeting of representatives of SU with scientists of the Republican Scientific Research Institute for Labor Protection under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of RK (RSRILP) in Astana. The sides signed an agreement on cooperation in the educational and scientific spheres in the field of labor protection and industrial safety.

The main areas of joint work in the scientific sphere will be seminars, scientific conferences, round tables, exhibitions, scientific research, publications and the introduction of results in production.

The agreement includes the organization of the joint working process of production practices and training programs, including foreign partners as well, and scientific internships for undergraduates of the specialty "Life safety and environmental protection".

Within the framework of the meeting, Head of the Department "Life Safety" Professor K. Kasenov together with Associate Professor V. Shevtsova held a scientific seminar "Actual directions of activity of the Life safety department and prospects of mutual cooperation" for the representatives of Scientific Research Institute for Labor Protection.

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