10 october 2017 9534

Satbaeyv University won the Springer Nature award

Satbaeyv University won the Springer Nature award

October 6, 2017, the Springer Nature Awards ceremony took place during the Springer Nature Open days in Almaty. Satbaeyv University got the "Top of the most published organizations of Kazakhstan" award for high rates of publication activity in the journals of the Springer Nature publishing house. Publications of scientists of the university were awarded with a certificate of one of the largest natural science publishers in the world.

During the ceremony, the president of the Springer Nature publishing house, Asdaa Kotani greeted the representatives of the science of Kazakhstan and the Central Asia countries and noted the importance of recognition and exchange of experience for scientists. An international master class of the editor-in-chief of the journal Nature Physics, Bart Verberka for Kazakhstani authors and editors of scientific journals was the important part of the awarding ceremony. The target of the master class was the increasing the number of articles from Kazakhstan in world rating journals.

The ceremony of awarding the Springer Nature Awards takes place for the third time in our country. The organizer of the ceremony was Springer Nature together with the National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise.

Springer Nature - an international publishing house, created in 2015. It has big experience in information support of the scientific and technological and innovation market and publishes more than 9,000 books and 3,000 journals annually. It supports publications of Kazakhstani authors on the international arena in the framework of the 100K20 project - 100,000 publications by 2020.

Photo by tengrinews.kz

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