11 april 2024 2594

Satbayev International Conference 2024: New horizons of science and technology in the search for sustainable development

Satbayev International Conference 2024: New horizons of science and technology in the search for sustainable development

Today, as part of celebrating 90th anniversary of Satbayev University, Science Day program and the anniversary of Kanysh Satbayev, Satbayev International Conference 2024 "Integration of Science and Technology: the path to sustainable development" was held at the university.

The given event is one of the key scientific ones in Kazakhstan, bringing together the scientists, engineers, industry and business representatives from different countries to share knowledge, ideas and experience in science, technology and innovation sphere. The main theme of the current year's conference is "Integration of science and technology: the path to sustainable development".

Conference was opened by University’s Rector, Meiram Begentayev, who congratulated the participants on the holiday and thanked University’s Board of Directors for their active participation in University’s life:

- Today it is difficult to determine where science ends and the practical application of scientific activity results begins. Therefore, the choice of the conference topic reflects our desire to evolve innovative approaches and technologies to ensure the sustainable development of society and the economy," he said in his welcoming speech.

Conference included seven panel sessions focused on sustainable development strategies in the mining and metallurgical complex, oil-gas industry and geology, mechanical engineering, energy, transport, digital transformation, IT, urban construction and project management. Alongside, Conference incorporated presentations by leading experts and discussions with the participation of foreign scientists (from the USA, China, Japan, Germany, Poland, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, etc.), representatives of business structures and industry.

Conference became a platform for exchanging the ideas between representatives of leading industries: Ministry of RK Energy, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Geology Committee, National Academy of Sciences under RK President, RK National Academy of Engineering, companies ERG, Kazakhmys, Kazakhmys-Barlau, Astana Group, Otbassy Bank, Baker Hughes, Tengizchevroil, Kazenergy, Schlumberger, Alageum Group, Borussan Makina Kazakhstan, North Caspian Operating Company and others.

Satbayev International Conference provided a unique opportunity for young scientists and students to present their research results and receive feedback from the experienced specialists that helps to stimulate scientific growth and the development of young talents.

Satbayev International Conference 2024: New horizons of science and technology in the search for sustainable development

Conference involved the book exhibition, Central State Archive "From the personal fund of K.I. Satbayev" exhibition, the exhibition of scientific achievements of fundamental and applied science, as well as the large-scale exhibition of products "Made in Satbayev University". The last two ones are exhibitions of practical achievements of University scientists, which have become a platform for concluding the partnership agreements, organizing the joint startups and research projects.

The projects presented at the exhibition cover a wide range of topics, ranging from digital doubles and the use of the 3D printer for constructing the military construction facilities, to the latest polymers for water purification. The given projects help to find new approaches to solving the challenges of our time.

Science Day and 125th anniversary of scientist Academician Kanysh Satbayev is a great holiday for our country’s scientific community, an important event contributing to innovative environment formation and the promising scientific research evolvement.

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