14 december 2022 3059

Satbayev University and Allur have discussed the internship results in Finland

Satbayev University and Allur have discussed the internship results in Finland

Within the foreign trip to Forum of Higher Educational Institutions of Kazakhstan and France, Satbayev University’s delegation visited Helsinki as part of an educational internship at Southern Savo Esedu College “Dual Education. Experience of Finland". The internship lasted five days and was dedicated to the unique Finnish experience of dual training and new methods related to on-the-job training.

In recent years, Finland's experience in education sphere has proven itself from the good side at the international level. Universities around the world are striving to export Finnish educational methods and technologies in order to use their advantages in other countries.

Finnish model basis is a practical orientation: teachers give young people exactly the skills they will need in real life. Therefore, at schools, along with addition and division, they study how to pay inheritance tax, and in colleges and universities, most of it takes on-the-job training. Another feature is the training of students according to individual programs, which together with extensive practice leads to excellent professional results. To find out how this happens, Allure Corporate University organized an internship at a college in Mikkeli city.

- My task was to make friends with business and education system, - said Lyudmila Olkinyan, Head of Allur Corporate University. - For this we chose the Finnish model. Here, career guidance begins already in kindergarten, and if a child understands that he has, let’s say, a penchant for technology, he can immediately begin to develop his skills. Everything is focused on the person, the most important person is a student, a teacher. And I want it to be the same in Kazakhstan. Therefore, I am grateful to everyone who took part in the trip: thank you for responding, and for your willingness to develop and creative thinking.

The internship was attended by 13 people from universities, colleges and industrial enterprises from different regions of Kazakhstan. In addition to representatives of Satbayev University and Allur Group of companies, employees of SOLID Group, Alageum Electric Group, Almaty Electromechanical Plant, Kostanay College of Motor Transport, Vocational College, Kazakh-German Polytechnic College and “Ak Erke” educational center participated in the trip.

South Savo Vocational College, Esedu is a technical college that has twice received National Award for Quality from Education Ministry in Finland for advancing the best practices in vocational education field. The college generously shares its achievements.

Internship program included seminars, excursions, visits to enterprises, meetings with business representatives, as well as visits to HUAS (Häme University of Applied Sciences). Delegation members visited Esedu College’s workshops and studied in great detail how the Finnish education system works, how an individual curriculum is built and assessment of student achievements based on it. Most of the time was devoted to discussing the role of a foreman-mentor at workplace.

- We knew exactly what we wanted to know, what we wanted to learn, — says one of the delegation members, Dmitry Pavlenko, director of Kostanay College of motor transport. - How is the educational program at the college being built, how is the interaction between the college and production organized, how are mentors trained, how is the preparation for WorldSkills professional skill competitions going? We have really learned a lot in this regard.

As a result of the training, the internship participants received a holistic idea of how to train personnel for the needs of the employer and how to apply the given experience in Kazakhstan. At the moment, they are processing the roadmaps drawn up during the internship, working out the results together and thinking about new projects. The acquired experience will not be wasted, but will be actively applied.

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