12 march 2024 1444

Satbayev University and Qazaq Green spent the training on renewable energy sources

Satbayev University and Qazaq Green spent the training on renewable energy sources

A new look at the development and practical application of renewable energy sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan was presented to the audience by experts from Satbayev University and “Qazaq Green” Association, who conducted a training on "green" energy.

The two-day training, conducted in the mixed online-offline format, focused on the principles and key aspects of energy transformation, as well as the main issues of development and practical application of renewable energy sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstani and overseas experts introduced the audience to renewable energy sources as a key tool for de-carbonization of Kazakhstan's industry and covered many practical aspects related to the given process:

  • Existing legislation on renewable energy sources and barriers;
  • Principles of operation related to "green" power plants, features of implementing the projects of solar power plants and wind farms in Kazakhstan;
  • Issues of integration of renewable energy sources into the single energy system;
  • Economic aspects of project execution.

An expert on renewable energy sources, a participant in elaborating the Concept of transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the green economy, Chairperson of Board of "Qazaq Green" association Ainur Sospanova spoke in detail about the work and Support System for "green" energy in Kazakhstan, shared her thoughts regarding the prospects of work in the given area, and then gave the floor to her colleagues - Aida Maksut, Arman Assylkhan, Bekzhan Mukatov and Ivan Novikov.

The training was spent with the support of German Society for International Cooperation and GIZ "Capacity Development in the field of climate policy in the countries of Southeastern and Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia" (CDCP) global project. Representatives of enterprises and companies at energy-intensive industries participated in the given training.

Satbayev University и Qazaq Green провели тренинг по возобновляемым источникам энергии

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