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4 november 2024 2458

Satbayev University and Sumgait State University signed Memorandum of cooperation

Satbayev University and Sumgait State University signed Memorandum of cooperation

Satbayev University and Sumgait State University have signed Memorandum of cooperation, which will open up new opportunities for academic mobility of students, professors and faculty.

Memorandum that was signed by the two universities, is aimed at cooperation in the field of degree programs and academic mobility, which will allow students and teachers of the two technical universities to broaden their horizons and improve their qualifications.

As part of the signing of Memorandum, held in Almaty, Rector Rufat Azizov and Vice-Rector for International Relations Konul Abasly of SUMSU met with University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Raissa Uskenbayeva to discuss joint programs as well as exchange experiences.

During the meeting, Meiram Begentayev stressed that Satbayev University is a university aimed at giving the academic freedom and practical experience in the workplace from the very first day to the students. The given approach allows the university to effectively collaborate with various universities around the world.

Sumgait State University, one of the leading universities in Azerbaijan, is known for its unique traditions rooted in the history of evolving the industry and engineering education in the country. It was founded in the largest industrial center of the region in 1962 and over the years has become one of the leaders in training the specialists in engineering, natural sciences and economics spheres. It ranks 483rd in the ranking of European universities based on QS rating.

Satbayev University and Sumgait State University signed Memorandum of cooperation

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