12 may 2022 4160

Satbayev University celebrated the nation's teacher's 150th birthday

Satbayev University celebrated the nation's teacher's 150th birthday

In the last days of April, a round table was held at the university dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the spiritual leader of the Alash movement, a statesman and public figure, the founder of Kazakh linguistics and literary criticism, poet, publicist Akhmet Baitursynov.

Opening the round table, the head of the department of "Social Studies" Kalamkas Temirkulovna emphasized the important role of such meetings in the education of the younger generation and conveyed the floor to the guests.

In turn, academic of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of  historical sciences, Professor Khankeldy Abzhanov, director of the Akhmet Baitursynuly House-Museum, candidate of philology,  Associate professor  Raikhan Imakhanbet and other guests of the round table made presentations on the work and life path of Akhmet Baitursynov and answered numerous questions from students.

University students and teachers of the Department of  "Social Studies"  took an active part in the round table. Student Zhumagul Shalkar gave a talk on the topic: "The role of the nation's teacher's work in the patriotic education of youth."

Following the round table, the moderator, Professor Dosaly Salkynbek thanked the guests and presented gifts on behalf of the students.

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