4 may 2023 3741

Satbayev University congratulates Kazakhstan's military and honours the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War

Satbayev University congratulates Kazakhstan's military and honours the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War

On May 4, a solemn ceremony dedicated to Defender of Fatherland Day and Victory Day in Great Patriotic War was held at Satbayev University Institute of Military Affairs. University’s veterans, officers and students gathered to honor the memory of the heroes and celebrate the memorable date.

The holiday began with the solemn laying of flowers at "The country name is the country’s memory" memorial stele dedicated to the heroes who studied and worked at Polytech Military Department, whose life and feat became the pride of Satbayev University.

Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician, one of the founders of Dos-Mukassan ensemble, Chairman of Aksakaldar Alkassy Council, reserve Lieutenant Colonel Ulykpan Sydykov took the floor first. He congratulated everyone present on the holiday and recalled the achievements that our University is rightfully proud of.

Satbayev University поздравляет казахстанских военных и чествует память о героях Великой Отечественной войны

The history of Military Affairs Institute began a year before Great Patriotic War, when Military Department was opened at Polytech, where brave people loyal and committed to their country studied. During the war, 6 students of University were awarded the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union. Later, twice hero of the Soviet Union, the famous son of Kazakhstan pilot Talgat Begeldinov studied here, who after the war became one of the students, and then Honorary professor of our University.

The officers of Military Affairs Institute are now passing this baton to the younger generation of engineers who have sworn to serve their country with honor. Satbayev University Military Affairs Institute is considered one of the most prestigious military educational institutions in Kazakhstan. Many of its graduates now hold general positions.

— I congratulate all of you on May 7 — Defenders of Fatherland Day and May 9 — Victory Day! — said Ulykpan Yessilkhanovich. — These two holidays are especially important for us. There are no such heroes at any university in Kazakhstan and they are our main pride!

Satbayev University поздравляет казахстанских военных и чествует память о героях Великой Отечественной войны

The leadership congratulated the veterans and noted teachers’ achievements of Military Affairs Institute in the outgoing academic year. The officers received certificates of honor from the hands of Rector, Gold Medal named after Kanysh Satbayev was awarded based on the 2023 results to Lieutenant Colonel Bakir Izatov, a senior teacher of general military cycle training.

As part of the holiday, there was held an exhibition, where, in addition to materials on the role of Military Affairs Institute, weapons from Great Patriotic War were presented. After the ceremonial part, a festive concert was held. To the music of a military orchestra, cadets of Ground Forces Military Institute performed drill techniques with weapons, and the servicemen of AAT 38th Brigade showed hand-to-hand combat techniques, vividly demonstrating that our defenders are ready for any surprises in their work for the benefit of our Motherland, Sovereign Kazakhstan!

Satbayev University поздравляет казахстанских военных и чествует память о героях Великой Отечественной войны

Satbayev University поздравляет казахстанских военных и чествует память о героях Великой Отечественной войны

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