12 april 2023 2690

Satbayev University demonstrated the process of creating new technologies’ research hub

Satbayev University demonstrated the process of creating new technologies’ research hub

On April 12, Satbayev University gave journalists the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of virtual technologies and take part in the opening of the first technology museum in Almaty.

University’s tour was devoted to University team’s work on implementing President's decree to create a research hub of new technologies in engineering education and science on the basis of Satbayev University. Creation of such a technology center will allow University to obtain tools for solving the most ambitious scientific projects and improving the degree programs’ quality.

Journalists were told about University’s achievements, plans for advancing the science and new approaches to the training of highly qualified engineering and technical personnel, showed modern classrooms and an exhibition of science and technology dedicated to International scientific and practical conference on the innovative development of key industries in Kazakhstan "International Satbayev Conference 2023. Science and Technology: from idea to implementation (Satbayev Readings – 2023)".

Journalists witnessed discussions and debates during which scientists, entrepreneurs and representatives of government agencies jointly developed innovative approaches and strategies for economic development, as well as discussed new areas for cooperation and investment in applied science sphere. In addition, University guests got acquainted with the unique exhibits of Mineralogy Museum, visited Kanysh Satbayev museum-office.

University management shared their vision related to implementing the new strategy for University development until 2026 and ways to achieve the goals set within the framework of Concept on higher education and science development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029, where a large place is given to the creation of new technologies’ hub. Based on Concept, the hub based on Satbayev University should be created in 4 years.

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