Satbayev University expresses condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Erengaip Shaikhutdinov

On August 8, 2021, a Soviet and Kazakh scientist, an academician of RK National Academy of Sciences, a public and political figure, an honored worker of science and technology of the Kazakh SSR, a talented scientist with a world reputation, a brilliant teacher and organizer, Doctor of chemical sciences, professor died at the 89th year of his life.
Shaikhutdinov Y. M. was born on May 10, 1933 in “Oktyabrsk” village in the North Kazakhstan region. After graduating from the Lomonossov Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology in 1956, he started working as a shift supervisor at Karaganda Synthetic Rubber Plant.
In 1958, he entered the postgraduate education at Lomonossov MIFCT. After defending his PhD thesis in 1963, Y. M. Shaikhutdinov was invited to V.M. Kirov Kazakh State University to the newly organized Department of Chemistry of high-molecular compounds, where he worked for 15 years, having passed all the stages of career growth from teacher to department head and professor, devoting a lot of effort and energy to the training of highly qualified specialists and the development of chemical science in Kazakhstan.
Deep fundamental knowledge and experimental skills allowed Y. M. Shaikhutdinov to carry out fundamental research in the field of polymer chemistry, to make a huge contribution to polymer science prosperity. It is no exaggeration to say that Yergaip Malikovich was at the origins of the formation and development of the young macromolecular chemistry in Kazakhstan. 40 candidates of sciences and 10 doctors of sciences, 5 PhD-doctors were trained under Y. M. Shaikhutdinov’s leadership.
The fundamental research of Yerengaip Malikovich Shaikhutdinov is summarized in the original monographs: "Simple vinyl esters in radical polymerization" (1985), "The new knowledge on polymers and their application" (1988), "Physical-chemical and bio-cybernetic aspects of onco-genesis" (1991)," Vinyl acetyl derivatives of piper dine and based on them polymers "(1991)," Fundamentals of chemistry of high-molecular compounds " (1995, Index H=6) as well as published in scientific journals in the UK, USA and Japan.
Academician Y. M. Shaikhutdinov was included in the book of International Bibliographic Center (Cambridge, Great Britain). He was an honorary professor of a number of universities such as Academy of Fine Chemical Technology in Moscow (MITHT), M.Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University, D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University.
The organizational talent of this visionary, personal contribution to the intellectual development of society, the years of forced work in solving important problems of chemical science received the state’s high evaluation. The scientist’s merits were marked due to high state awards such as "Kurmet" medal, "Parassat" medal, "Barys" 3rd degree medal, Ibrai Altynsarin medal for special accomplishments in the field of education and pedagogical science, "10 years of independence of Republic of Kazakhstan" medal, “For merits in science growth in Republic of Kazakhstan" badge and others as well.
His professionalism, honesty and human decency had always been the beacon by which young scientists were guided, joining the ranks of students of the school he created in the field of organic synthesis and polymer chemistry.
Numerous students of Y. M. Shaikhutdinov are successfully working at many research institutions and universities in the country, are making a significant contribution to chemical science development, the training of highly qualified specialists, and participate in the reform of science.
The memory of Academician Y. M. Shaikhutdinov will forever remain in the hearts of his students, colleagues, friends, relatives and friends.
RK Ministry of Education and Science
National Academy of Sciences at Republic of Kazakhstan
NCJSC "KazNRTU named after K. I. Satbayev"