28 june 2022 3935

Satbayev University expresses its condolences on the death of Vladimir Luganov

Satbayev University expresses its condolences on the death of Vladimir Luganov

Outstanding scientist-metallurgist, academician of the higher school of Kazakhstan, doctor of technical sciences, professor, research professor of the chair "Metallurgical processes, heat engineering and technology of special materials" Luganov Vladimir Alekseevich sadly passed away on June 26, 2022, at the age of 83.

Luganov Vladimir Alekseevich

Satbayev University expresses its condolences on the death of Vladimir Luganov

23.08.1938- 26.06.2022

Luganov Vladimir Alekseevich was born on August 23, 1938 at the state Chalobay, Charsky district, East Kazakhstan region. He graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute in 1961. Having worked in the direction at the metallurgical enterprises of Uzbekistan, in 1963 he returned to KazPTI as a graduate student. In 1967 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in the council of KazPTI. He defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Complex processing of refractory pyrite-arsenopyrite-containing raw materials" in 1987 in the specialized council of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Moscow. February 16, 1989 awarded the title of Professor. From 1975 to 1980 Luganov V.A. headed the department "Theory of metallurgical processes and furnaces".

Luganov Vladimir Alekseevich was Vice-Rector of Science at the Polytechnic University from 1987 to 1993. The main scientific research of Vladimir Alekseevich Luganov is devoted to the development and improvement of technologies for processing refractory pyrite-arsenopyrite-containing, oxidized polymetallic, copper and gold-arsenic ore and technogenic raw materials by pyro- and hydrometallurgical methods.

The technology of roasting copper concentrates, which made it possible to remove arsenic from the process in a form convenient for burial and significantly improve the quality of the resulting copper was fixed at Sredney-Uralsk copper smelter plant. The results of studies on the technology of two-stage oxidative-sulphatizing roasting of pyrite-cobalt concentrates of the Sokolovsko-Sarbaisk GOK were used in the design of an industrial enterprise.

Honorary Professor of the Central South Technological University (PRC). Visiting professor at the University of Toronto, Laval University, McGill University.

Metallurgy PhD doctoral program was created at his leadership for the first time in Kazakhstan in 2007, at cooperation with Colorado School of Mines (USA).

The scientific school "Theory of metallurgical processes" created by him at the department of MPHE&TSM, for many years serves as the foundation for the knowledge of all groups of metallurgists of the Satbayev University. The personal library of books of metallurgy collected and donated to the university by Professor Vladimir Alekseevich Luganov will serve as the basis for training the country's best technical personnel for many years to come.

Professor Luganov V.A. trained two doctors of technical sciences, 10 candidates of sciences, 4 doctors of philosophy PhD in the field of metallurgy, dozens of engineers, bachelors and masters. Author of more than 500 scientific publications, 21 patents, 5 monographs, 4 textbooks.

The staff of the University of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev expresses sincere condolences to family, colleagues and friends in connection with the irreparable loss!

We grieve with you, eternal and bright memory!

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