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14 june 2024 5796

Satbayev University has begun collaboration with Seoul National University of Science & Technology

Satbayev University has begun collaboration with Seoul National University of Science & Technology

Delegation from Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SeoulTech) visited Satbayev University to sign a memorandum of cooperation. Delegation's visit was led by SeoulTech President Professor Dong Hwang Kim and Vice Rector for International Cooperation Professor Jihong Hwang.

SeoulTech is Seoul State University, which is considered one of the best in the arts and humanities, engineering and technology that is confirmed by ratings - SeoulTech ranks 1001st in the world, according to QS and 35th in the national ranking. SeoulTech is a member of the elite association of universities "OpenCourseWare Consortium", it has about 20 thousand students.

Collaboration memorandum was signed by Satbayev University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev and President of SeoulTech, Professor Dong Hwang Kim, who exchanged welcoming speeches in the warm friendly atmosphere. The main areas of future cooperation will be academic mobility for students and teachers, general research and degree programs, exchange of scientific materials, publications and information for mutual enrichment, educational experience and cultural exchange. It is also being planned to organize seminars, symposiums and other educational, scientific and technical events with the participation of both sides.

The two leading universities plan to strengthen partnerships and develop key areas of collaboration, for which the working meeting was organized. In addition, the meeting discussed issues of cooperation on "500 scientists" "Center for International Programs" project of RK Ministry of Science and Higher Education, which provides an opportunity for scientists from different cities of Kazakhstan to undergo internships at the best research centers and universities in the world to advance their qualification.

The signing ceremony of the memorandum marked the beginning of a new stage in the relations between Satbayev University and SeoulTech. After the official part, SeoulTech delegation took a tour of Satbayev University campus, familiarized with its infrastructure and scientific projects.

The given event was a significant step towards strengthening the international cooperation and developing the scientific ties that promote innovative progress as well as knowledge sharing.

Satbayev University has begun collaboration with Seoul National University of Science & Technology

Satbayev University has begun collaboration with Seoul National University of Science & Technology

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