Satbayev University has celebrated Science Day

On the morning of April 12, Satbayev University’s leadership and scientists gathered at the university to celebrate Science Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, coinciding with the birthday of the great Kazakh geologist Kanysh Satbayev. The festive day began with the laying of flowers at the monument of the great scientist and a solemn photo shoot.
During these holidays, University’s management and staff are happy to express their respect for the achievements and gratitude for Kanysh Satbayev’s contribution. On Science Day eve, the leadership of Polytechnic congratulated the granddaughter of Kanysh Imantayevich Alima Zharmagambetova. University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev congratulated her on behalf of Polytechnic University and Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayassat Nurbek, presenting a congratulatory letter and a gold medal of Satbayev University.
After the ceremony, International scientific and practical conference "International Satbayev Conference 2023. Science and Technology: from idea to implementation (Satbayev Readings – 2023)".
Mr. Chad Kinnear, Deputy Advisor to the U.S. Consul for Culture and Education, delivered a welcoming speech to Conference participants. Kanysh Imantaevich's great-nephew Gabdulgani Satpayev was the guest of honour at the conference.
Conference’s main topic was the innovative development of key industries in Kazakhstan. Scientists and experts from all over the world gathered to exchange experience and knowledge in science and technology sphere.
"Satbayev Readings" is a traditional conference dedicated to Kanysh Satbayev’s birthday, which has been held at Polytech for many years and unites all the key technical specialists of the country. This year Conference has become a dialogue platform between industry and science. Invited speakers shared their experience in implementing scientific developments, new ideas and technological breakthroughs. The discussions and debates allowed the participants to explore various economic development strategies and identify new areas for cooperation and investment in applied science.
Conference participants discussed various aspects of innovative development in economy’s various sectors, including energy and mining, construction and mechanical engineering, information technology and project management. Conference was an excellent opportunity for scientists and experts to exchange experience and knowledge, and for students and young scientists to present their work and receive feedback from professionals in their field.
Conference was organized jointly with National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the organizers expressed gratitude to all participants and expressed hope that the conclusions and ideas developed during it will contribute to Kazakhstan’s sustainable development.
"Satbayev Readings – 2023" ended with awarding the university staff with honorary diplomas and certificates of RK Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
The following people were awarded with Certificate of honor:
- Karpeeva Zhuldyz Beishenaly kyzy
- Akpanbayev Rinat Serikuly
- Imataliyev Talap Saipullovich
Letter of appreciation were received by:
- Almenov Talgat Makulbekovich
- Barmenshinova Madina Bogembekovna
- Aitkazinova Shinar Kasymkanovna
- Baigenzhenov Omirserik Sabyrzhanovich
- Maulenova Gulnara Dzhuparbekovna
- Tanirbergenova Anara Amirkhanovna
- Aliakper Madiyar Manarbekuly
- Sarsenbayev Nurlan Saduakasovich
- Shiderin Baurzhan Nurlanuly
- Sankabayeva Assel Nursalimovna
- Turegeldinova Aliya Zhumabekovna
For a special contribution to the scientific activity of Satbayev University awarded the following employees:
- Letter of thanks - Tatykhanov Gulnur Sairanova.
- "Labor Glory" sign of III degree - Tusrysbekova Gauhar Seitankyzy
- Sharipova Altynai Azigarovna
- Ratov Boranbai Tovbasarovich
- Chepushtanova Tatyana Alexandrovna
- Azat Seitan
- Abdiyev Kaldibek Zhamshayevich
- Tatykhanova Gulnur Sairanovna
- Shabanbayeva Elmira Nasretdinovna
- Burshukova Gulzia Adilbekovna
"Honorary surveyor" sign of Geodesy and Cartography Committee at Ministry of Digital Development, innovation and aerospace industry was awarded to Nurpeissova Marzhan Baissanovna
"Best geodesist" diploma of Geodesy and Cartography Committee at Ministry of Gigital Development, innovation and aerospace industry were awarded:
- Kamza Angelika Talasovna
- Kassymkhanova Haini-Kamal Mikhailovna
- Orynbassarova Elmira Orynbassarova
- Kozhaev Zhenis Tursynaliuly
- Nukarbekova Zhupargul Mukhametkarymvina