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25 november 2024 2174

Satbayev University has congratulated Dos-Mukassan ensemble on the recognition of their achievements in the Guinness Book of Records-Kazakhstan

Satbayev University has congratulated Dos-Mukassan ensemble on the recognition of their achievements in the Guinness Book of Records-Kazakhstan

The legendary Kazakh ensemble Dos-Mukassan became the owner of a unique achievement, entering the Guinness Book of Records-Kazakhstan. The ensemble received recognition for its long-term contribution to the preservation and popularization of Kazakh musical culture on the professional stage.

During its history, Dos-Mukassan ensemble has played more than 5,000 concerts around the world, performing in Europe, Asia, North and South America. They generously shared with the public their favorite author's songs by Murat Kussainov and Dossym Suleyev and other authors, but special attention in their repertoire was paid to modern arrangements of Kazakh folk songs and works by great composers of XVIII–XX centuries.

- We promoted our native Kazakh language and music, showing the wealth of Kazakh culture to the whole world, - Murat Kussainov shared.

The team’s main achievement is the performance and popularization of songs in the native Kazakh language, the language of the great Abai. The ensemble not only made the art of its country accessible to foreign audiences, but also contributed to popularizing the Kazakh culture and language around the world. The achievement of the ensemble is not only recognition of their musical talent, but also an important step in promoting the national cultural heritage of Kazakhstan on the global stage.

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