3 september 2021 3660

Satbayev University has congratulated the employees of oil and gas complex

Satbayev University has congratulated the employees of oil and gas complex

On the eve of Day of oil and gas industry laborers, Satbayev University has congratulated University’s honored teachers-oil laborers. The letter from Energy Ministry of Republic of Kazakhstan was presented to Professor Syzdykov Askar Khamzayevich, other honored professors of K. Turyssov Institute of Geology and Oil-Gas Business were awarded as well. The leading organizations of our country presented the professors with letters of thanks for their high professionalism and long-term work in the development of scientific and technical potential of national oil-gas industry.

The oldest technical university in Kazakhstan is a forge of personnel for our country’s oil and gas industry. “Polytech” graduates have always been distinguished by professionalism, efficiency, purposefulness and dedication to their work. Their professional skills and rich production experience are the basis for the success of many oil-gas enterprises in the country. On the first Sunday of September, Satbayev University celebrates Day of Oil and Gas Industry laborers who have left many significant pages in the history of our country.

We congratulate all employees of the oil and gas industry and wish them strength and success in their hard work!

Satbayev University staff

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