5 january 2024 3850

Satbayev University has congratulated the young PhD doctors entering the science

Satbayev University has congratulated the young PhD doctors entering the science

A solemn graduation ceremony was held at Satbayev University for young scientists who received PhD degrees in these New Year's days.  University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev congratulated the graduates and wished them success.

"Getting the doctorate degree from Satbayev University is a sign of quality,” Meiram Begentayev said at the ceremony. “To pass our Academic Council, to pass Dissertation Council, to defend the thesis is a great achievement. And I hope that thanks to you, Kazakhstan will see new scientific discoveries in the near future.”

The awarding ceremony was attended by doctoral students of various specialties: chemists, instrument makers, hydrogeologists, specialists in the field of new materials, nanomaterials and Information management systems. Today, PhD degree diplomas have been received by:

  • Kenzhebayeva Bibigul
  • Zhetenbayev Nursultan
  • Abilezova Gazel
  • Bekarystakyzy Akbayan
  • Seiden Assel
  • Onlassynov Zhuldyzbek
  • Kemelbekova Ainagul
  • Assembayeva Aliya

Congratulations to the young doctors and wish them an excellent scientific career!

Satbayev University has congratulated the young PhD doctors entering the science

Satbayev University has congratulated the young PhD doctors entering the science

Satbayev University has congratulated the young PhD doctors entering the science

Satbayev University has congratulated the young PhD doctors entering the science

Satbayev University has congratulated the young PhD doctors entering the science

Satbayev University has congratulated the young PhD doctors entering the science

Satbayev University has congratulated the young PhD doctors entering the science

Satbayev University has congratulated the young PhD doctors entering the science

Satbayev University has congratulated the young PhD doctors entering the science

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