Satbayev University has demonstrated how the science of simple things helps to deal with emergencies

At Satbayev University, with the participation of the city's emergency services representatives, large-scale earthquake action exercises and an exhibition of technical solutions providing the assistance in emergency situations were held.
The event began with practical exercises for the entire university to evacuate students and staff from the building to a safe place. The exhibition of rescue equipment was held in front of University’s main academic building. Engineers and inventors demonstrated a mobile earthquake simulator created by them, the capabilities of UAVs as a means of rescue, a stretch lifeline for evacuation from the upper floors of buildings and other means of rescue.
Great interest was aroused by the mobile earthquake simulation platform, which gave students the opportunity to experience how a building reacts to an earthquake with high points. This is a unique platform elaborated by Satbayev University scientists together with Educational and production workshop of Ildar Zhumabekov, who repeated the Japanese developers’ achievement.
The development was presented by Kassym Yelemessov, candidate of technical sciences, professor, director of Energy and Mechanical Engineering Institute, who supervised the project.
- The given elaboration is based on serious scientific training. Now the team is getting prepared to file documents for a patent, and we are ready to start producing such mobile platforms at University's production facilities, - the scientist said during the presentation.
The platform enables to adjust the strength of a simulated earthquake from 1 to 9 points, it is insulated, can be heated and used 24/7, that is, it serves as a mobile training station. The platform cost will be three times lower than its analogues.
Another attraction has become unmanned aerial vehicles, which play an important role in detecting, observing and responding to emergencies.
Earlier, UAV laboratory team under the leadership of Alexey Oksiyenko took part in the large-scale exercise "Zher-2023" on actions in case of earthquakes. Representatives of the Kazakh republican civil protection services and emergency rescue services of emergency departments of other Turkic states highly appreciated the extensive capabilities of UAVs in emergency situations for patrolling, assessing damage, searching for the wounded, delivering medicines, lighting at night, alerts and so on.
Representatives of Almaty emergency services appreciated University's elaborations. Satbayev University delegation was visited by the head of Emergency department of Almaty, colonel Nurlan Atygayev, head of Emergency response department, lieutenant colonel Kakharman Orazalin, head of Emergency prevention department at RK ESM, colonel c/p Rustambek Amrin, deputy head of Almaty ED, lieutenant colonel Bagdat Chaizada, head of Civil defense department at Almaty Emergency department, major Anuar Yussupov and head of Department for mobilization training and civil protection Sultan Orazbayev.
Satbayev University continues betting on safety of its students and staff, as well as on ensuring the security through technical means nationwide.