9 july 2020 5943

Satbayev University has expressed its condolences on the death of academician Yergozhin Yedil Yergozhayevich

Satbayev University has expressed its condolences on the death of academician Yergozhin Yedil Yergozhayevich

On July 9, at the age of 78, a well-known Kazakh scientist, doctor of chemical sciences, Professor Yergozhin Edil Yergozhayevich passed away. Satbayev University has expressed its condolences to the scientist’s family and friends.

Yedil Yergozhin was a bright name in Kazakhstani science, an individual who had put a lot of effort into the formation of science in Kazakhstan, and who helped Elbassy build science and education system in the country from the first years of Independence. Under the leadership of Yedil Yergozhin, priority directions of fundamental research in the republic up to 2010 were determined; "On science" draft law and RK scientific and scientific-technical policy concept and "Science" state program were elaborated as well.

At various times, Yedil Yergozhin was Rector of Kirov state University, General Director and head of ion exchange resins and membranes laboratory at Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences, Vice-President of RK NAS, Vice-Minister of education and science of Republic of Kazakhstan, also, he conducted extensive research and teaching activities.

Y.Yergozhin was an academician of RK NAS and USA New York Academy of Sciences, honorary Professor of several Kazakh and foreign universities, and a member of American chemical society. He was the author of 32 fundamental monographs, 7 textbooks, 348 inventions and more than a thousand scientific articles.

The merits of this outstanding scientist and organizer were awarded the state prize of Kazakh SSR in the field of science and technology, "For contribution to the world science" glory medal, the Vavilov medal and the title of Honored scientist of the Kazakh SSR (1984), Honored inventor of Republic of Kazakhstan (2014).

For his exceptional contribution to scientific knowledge dissemination, to educational and humanitarian activities, the name of Yedil Yergozhin was included in Golden book of honor of Kazakhstan and in World register of the first-rate globe scientists.

Because-of the critical epidemiological situation, the scientist’s funeral will be held in the circle of just relatives and friends.

His son, who occupies the position of Deputy Head of National Security Committee of Kazakhstan, Daulet Yergozhin is continuing his father’s work for the benefit of sovereign Kazakhstan.

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