5 march 2022 4594

Satbayev University has opened Dossym Suleyev Hall

Satbayev University has opened Dossym Suleyev Hall

On March 5, the opening of the renovated assembly hall, named in honor of Dossym Suleyev, a graduate and former Rector of Polytech, took place. To celebrate the merits of our great compatriot, the entire staff of National Research University gathered. In a solemn atmosphere, the red ribbon was cut and the hall was officially opened for meetings.

The University is pleased to invite everyone to the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the scientist and musician, organizer of science, Academician Dossym Suleyev that will be held on March 7 at 11.00 in University Assembly Hall (MMB).

Satbayev University открывает зал Досыма Сулеева

Satbayev University открывает зал Досыма Сулеева

Satbayev University открывает зал Досыма Сулеева

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