25 april 2023 2290

Satbayev University has worked out the actions in case of an earthquake

Satbayev University has worked out the actions in case of an earthquake

On April 20, a seismic training session took place at Polytech that became part of citywide events to improve the preparation level of the city's population for actions in extreme situations.

University’s students and teachers studied evacuation routes, safe places in practice, worked out actions in case of an earthquake. Headquarters of Civil Defense, Fire Safety and Labor Protection of Satbayev University prepared brochures on personal safety and provided access to them to students.

Scheduled seismic surveys are an important part of ensuring the safety in Almaty. The city is located in the 9-10-point seismic zone. Every year, up to 200 small earthquakes occur in the city, which are not felt by residents. Therefore, despite the fact that no major earthquakes are expected in the city until the end of 2023, a reasonable level of vigilance is necessary for all residents of Almaty.

Satbayev University has worked out the actions in case of an earthquake

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