28 november 2019 3178

Satbayev University hosted a seminar on «Theory of Inventive Problem Solving»

Satbayev University hosted a seminar on «Theory of Inventive Problem Solving»

Within the framework of special events of the Eurasian GEN TRIZ Congress and the 2nd National Conference «Potential and Prospects for the Development of the Market for Innovative Educational Services in TRIZ for Industry 4.0 in the Republic of Kazakhstan», the TRIZ KZ Community project held two masterclasses on November 21 this year with the President of the International TRIZ Association, professional inventor, master TRIZ Yuri Igorievich Fedosov. The event was organized on the initiative of the head of the Department of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Space Technologies E. Tashtay, and engineer S. Marksuly.

The master classes, which were held in the conference hall of Satbayev University Oil Corps, aroused great interest among students, undergraduates and doctoral students.

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