27 march 2024 2420

Satbayev University is expanding cooperation with AGT Global

Satbayev University is expanding cooperation with AGT Global

Satbayev University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev and Head of AGT Global Gulnar Abdrakhmanova signed a memorandum of cooperation. The joint work will be aimed at developing the joint research in high technologies sphere (chemical engineering, robotics, geology and mining metallurgy), as well as stimulating scientific and practical projects and student employment. Within the framework of the memorandum, both sides will conduct joint research, university students will participate in the innovative high-tech OPEN SPACE competition on the company's platform.

Another significant area of work will be the implementation of new scientific research projects through commercialization, as well as the use of the company's capabilities based on the university's laboratory equipment.

Such use of laboratory university equipment for research by the company and the creation of new technologies is a unique new approach to organizing the innovative research aimed at commercializing the scientific projects and establishing the high-tech production, creating technologies for both the domestic and foreign markets. In the future, the parties will develop joint scientific projects and research at the investors’ request.

At the meeting, Meiram Begentayev stressed that such cooperation can be a key factor in successfully achieving the global goals, creating conditions for sustainable development and changes for both companies.

Satbayev University расширяет сотрудничество с компанией AGT Global

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