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10 june 2024 3314

Satbayev University is holding an International Forum in June dedicated to the issues of building and security of large cities

Satbayev University is holding an International Forum in June dedicated to the issues of building and security of large cities

On June 13 and 14, 2024, Satbayev University will host an international event significant for the architectural and construction industry – the II Eurasian Innovation Forum on the topic "Current problems of building and security of large cities". This event will bring together scientists and specialists from the EAEU, CIS and far abroad countries to discuss important aspects of the development of modern cities and ensuring their seismic safety. Speakers representing both the scientific and academic community, as well as design and construction organizations will speak. Among the participants and listeners will be scientists, representatives of scientific, design and construction companies, professors and teachers of specialized universities, as well as representatives of government agencies interested in the development of urban infrastructure.

The main purpose of the forum is to identify the most acute problems faced by large cities in the process of building and ensuring the safety of the population. The speakers will present new scientific and technical developments in the field of earthquake-resistant construction and seismology, development of large cities and settlements. The round table will discuss current trends and possible solutions to the existing problems.

The work of the Forum will be held in three directions:

  • Section 1. Urban planning and architecture;
  • Section 2. Seismic safety and antiseismic construction;
  • Section 3. Building materials, technologies and engineering systems.

The solemn awarding of honorary medals will take place within the framework of the Forum: "For contribution to the development of earthquake-resistant construction named after Academician Toleubai Zhunusovich Zhunusov" and "For contribution to the development of science and technology in the field of earthquake-resistant construction" from the Eurasian Seismic Association (EASA).

The II Eurasian Innovation Forum on the Construction and Safety of Large Cities is a unique opportunity for scientists and specialists in the construction sector to exchange experiences, present their developments and achievements, receive very valuable information, discuss topical issues and lay the foundation for joint work in the areas discussed at the Forum.

Time of the event: June 13 and 14, 2024 from 09:00 to 18:00 every day.

Venue: Satbayev University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

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