19 march 2019 4417

Satbayev University is inviting to the sports festival dedicated to University’s anniversary and Youth Year

Satbayev University is inviting to the sports festival dedicated to University’s anniversary  and Youth Year

On March 29, there will be held Student sports festival dedicated to Youth Year, 85th anniversary of legendary Polytech and 120th anniversary of Kanysh Satbayev. The main event of the holiday is a friendly hockey match between alumni of Polytech of different years and Delta hockey team (Almaty). Top managers of Satbayev University, honored production workers, athletes and public figures will attend the match.

President Nursultan Nazarbayev solemnly opened the Youth Year in Kazakhstan a month ago. It gave a start in the work with younger generation and large-scale projects implementation related to youth policy. Student sports festival organized by Satbayev University is one of the first measures aimed at supporting the youth as a key factor in the country's competitiveness.

The purpose of the given event is creating links between youth and industry leaders of Almaty, transfer of experience, at the same time popularization of hockey movement among young people. Thus, in accordance with “Rukhani Zangyru” program principles in terms of sport, popularization of team sports among students, and a friendly hockey match will become powerful impetus for students to be involved in sports and a healthy lifestyle as well.

The program of mass sporting events will be fun and saturated. The guests will enjoy flash mob, musical numbers, cheerleaders and a raffle as well.  The holiday will be a bright event and will give participants a bright evening of sports fraternity, fun and smiles. Students and teachers of Satbayev University will prove: the main thing is not what skates you have and the way you skate; the main thing is the dream and the will to win!

Date and time: March 29, 2019, 9 pm
Venue: “Olympic” Sports and Cultural Complex, Almaty

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