24 november 2020 3938

Satbayev University is inviting you to "Everyone can Program" lecture series

Satbayev University is inviting you to "Everyone can Program" lecture series

From November 30 to December 3, for the first time in Kazakhstan, Open lecture "Everyone can program" will be held for schoolchildren, students, teachers and all interested people. Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation, iTeacher Academy, Satbayev University and other institutions are the initiators of the event.

The profession of a programmer is the one that is among the top ten most popular in the world professions, and has been in the top for a couple of decades. Programming used to be considered the work of the most experienced and trained specialists. Today, it is available to everyone. The organizers prepared lectures for students of different ages and different programming proficiency levels. Each participant will have a unique opportunity to learn a lot about programming basics as well as opportunities that this skill opens up in the modern world.

Lectures are online. Participation is free of charge. The event starts on November 30 at 14: 00.

Registration on the site https://www.codeweek.kz 


The schedule of lectures:

цикл лекций  «Каждый может программировать»

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