24 november 2021 4368

Satbayev University is inviting you to "Project Management in Kazakhstan" conference on November 25-26

Satbayev University is inviting you to "Project Management in Kazakhstan" conference on November 25-26

Project Management Institute is inviting everyone interested in “project management" to take part in International Scientific and Practical Conference "Project Management in Kazakhstan: state, problems and prospects" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the First Vice-President, CEO of IIA, President of RK PMU, Academician of IIA and RK MSNA, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Alexey Filippovich Tsekhovoy.

The conference will be held online on November 25-26, 2021.

The conference is dedicated to project management in Kazakhstan and is organized by Satbayev University together with International Academy of Informatization (IIA) and  RK Union of Project Managers. The conference will address the issues related to trends in project management development in Kazakhstan, project management in the public administration system, training of specialists in project management sphere.

The conference topics list includes:

  •  Project management practice by industry;
  • Managing transformation and changes in the company through projects;
  •  IT technologies in project management;
  •  Features of social project management;
  •  Evaluation of the effectiveness of project management tools and methods;
  • Agile practices.

The conference will be attended by representatives of:

  •  Ministries and departments
  •  Academies of Public Administration
  • National companies
  •  Large, small and medium-sized businesses
  • Universities and scientific organizations
  •  Professional associations
  •  Foreign experts (USA, Europe, Russia), etc

Conference program

November 25

10:00- 11:00 - Registration of participants of the plenary session

11:00-13:00 - Plenary session

Conference ID: 835 5465 9825, access code: 345537

14:30-17:00 - Work of the conference sections

November 26

10:00-12:00 – Master-classes

12:00 - 13:00 - Closing of the conference (summing up, awarding participants with electronic certificates)

Conference ID: 838 7823 8949, Access code: 676837


Alexey Filippovich Tsekhovoy

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Department at Satbayev University Project Management Institute named after E.Turkebayev, a well-known scientist, politician and teacher.

Alexey Tsekhovoy became the founder of Project Management Departmenat at Satbayev University, actively engaged in project management issues, held senior positions in the country's higher education system.

Alexey Tsekhovoy proved himself as a public and political figure, a member of Nur-Otan party, who invested a lot of effort in developing strategic documents of the party and solving vital social, political and economic problems of RK development. He also made a significant contribution to the creation and growth of such non-governmental organizations as International Academy of Informatization, Central Asian Mining Union and Union of Project Managers in Republic of Kazakhstan.

Alexey Tsekhovoy has published more than 250 scientific articles, monographs, a large number of essays, brochures addressed to a wide range of readers, especially in project management field.

For many years of fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity, Alexey Tsekhovoy was awarded the Diploma of USSR Ministry of Higher Education, the badges of USSR Ministry of Higher Education "For excellent success in work", has the badges: "Miner's glory of IIIrd  degree" and "Miner's Glory of IInd degree"; the quality star of National Rating Agency "For High Professionalism", the badges of RK MDDIAI "Ult Kayratkeri" and "Uzdyk baylanysshi".

The main goal of Alexey Filippovich's life is the formation of independently thinking, educated, socially responsible members of society.


For details, please contact:

Director of PMI Amralinova Bakytzhan 8 777 271 11 25, conference@spmrk.kz

Assoc.prof. Sultanbekova Zhanat  8 701 930 37 71, conference@spmrk.kz

Executive Director of RK PMU Nataliya 8 777 327 90 01, conference@spmrk.kz

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