2 july 2021 5956

Satbayev University offers fringe benefits for vaccinated students and employees

Satbayev University offers fringe benefits for vaccinated students and employees

With the aim of stabilizing the epidemiological situation and transition of Satbayev University to the regular operating mode, a set of measures is being carried out to increase the number of vaccinated employees and students.

Today, all university employees and students admitted to classes offline have been vaccinated. Most of them received the vaccine at the medical center of the university that had signed a contract with # 4 polyclinic in Almaty.

The next step will be the vaccination of students entering Bachelor's degree, as well as the vaccination of teachers and students who are at distance training. In addition, vaccination will help the university return to normal mode and will open up wide opportunities for teachers and students.

Teachers will have access to the entire social, scientific, and sports infrastructure of the university, which was limited due to quarantine, and students will be able to participate in interesting creative, scientific, and sports events (makaton, hackathons, tournaments, concerts, etc.) and go abroad, also, to other universities of the country under academic mobility programs.

As an additional incentive for vaccination, the university has provided a number of perks and preferences.

Prizes will be awarded among Satbayev University students who were vaccinated from July 1 to July 31, 2021:

  • 1 grant in the amount of 5 million tenge to open their own startup;
  • 20 places to stay at university dormitories;
  • the right to full reimbursement of expenses for practical training in any of the leading companies in the country or abroad;
  • 100 courses on the development of entrepreneurial skills on “Qoldau” digital business platform.

In addition, all students who have been vaccinated will have the opportunity, if necessary, to take repeated courses for free and retake 3 credits, which may be relevant when switching from online to offline training.

The following perks will be provided to employees and teaching staff who have been vaccinated from July 1 to July 31, 2021:

  • All professors, teachers and employees who have been vaccinated will receive 2 days of release from work with salary preservation;
  • 10 employees of the university will receive a 50% discount on living at a hostel;
  • 100 employees will receive bonuses in the amount of 5000 tenge.

Satbayev University takes care of the safety and well-being of its employees and students. All top managers have been vaccinated and are calling on their personnel to do the same.

Тэги: Coronavirus
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