2 november 2023 1587

Satbayev University scientist received the international prize “Scopus Awards 2023”

Satbayev University scientist received the international prize “Scopus Awards 2023”

Associate Professor of Geophysics Department at K. Turyssov Institute of Geology and Oil-Gas Engineering Kuanysh Togizov was granted “Scopus Awards 2023” in “Geology (Earth Science)” nomination.

Kuanysh Togizov is a young scientist with high potential who has been working at our university since 2020. His main scientific interest is the processing of field and stone materials, especially his work in uranium mining field is highlighted. His research results have been published in the form of articles and reports in peer-reviewed scientific journals and collections of International scientific conferences.

Kuanysh Togizov has Hirsch Index of 5 and has published 20 high-profile articles over the past 5 years, which are often cited by young scientists. 4 of his scientific articles are in TOP 10% by citation in the world. It was this achievement that was granted the Scopus Award.

International Scopus Awards is an objective indicator of the achievements of scientists around the world. It measures the contribution of authors of scientific articles to advancing the science by the number of published articles and their citations in international journals. The number of published articles is indexed using Elsevier's SCOPUS database, the world's largest multidisciplinary abstract database, which contains more than 26,000 titles of scientific, technical and medical journals from 7,000 international publishers.

Scopus Awards were first awarded in China in 2004, since then this scientific award has been awarded to authors of publications in Latin America, Asia, Europe and Russia. The award is aimed at encouraging the scientists for active work, maintaining the status of a scientist, popularizing professional scientific activity among young scientists.

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