30 may 2022 4946

Satbayev University students have discussed the future referendum

Satbayev University students have discussed the future referendum

"What do you know about the referendum on June 5, 2022? What amendments are being made to the basic law of the country - RK Constitution? How to properly vote?" - these and other important questions were answered to Satbayev University students by Acting Director of Youth Affairs and Sports Department Adilkhan Tolepbergen and Chairman of Election commission # 253 Berik Tokabayev.

Explanations on the upcoming referendum are up-to-date information for students who have decided to stay in Almaty for one reason or another, because our university’s students actively show a civic position.

 “There was a case at the polling station when one girl, as I remember, she was 18 years old, came at 6:30 in the morning to vote. I was surprised that our youth took a responsible approach to the voting process. Election commission’s chairperson solemnly handed her an anniversary book dedicated to 80th anniversary of KazNRTU, thereby encouraging the civic position of our student," says Berik Tokabayev. - All our students want to contribute to our country’s future, and this is facilitated by Referendum on amendments to Constitution. For purposeful, educated youth, this is an opportunity to implement ideas and build a new Kazakhstan.

A series of "Саяси жаңғыру – Жаңа Қазақстанға апарар жол" advisory hours on the discussion of constitutional reform was held at Polytech for a week. Many guests took part in the meetings with the students, who revealed the secrets of the upcoming referendum to the young people. Teachers of General Education Institute, candidate of Historical Sciences Salkynbek Dossaly, candidate of Historical Sciences Aina Nurzhanova, PhD Meiram Sarybayev and master of Political Science Saniyam Manapova visited the advisory hours.

Студенты Satbayev University обсуждают будущий референдум

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