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11 december 2024 2402

Satbayev University Theatre debuted on the professional stage with an important social play

Satbayev University Theatre debuted on the professional stage with an important social play

For the first time, Satbayev University theater troupe performed on the professional stage. According to tradition, on the eve of the New Year holidays, the premiere of a new play by Satbayev University Theater took place.

The premiere of the play took place on the stage of the concert hall at Kazakh State academic orchestra of folk instruments named after Kurmangazy - a historical theater in Almaty center. This is a big step for the youth theater of Technical University.

The new premiere is a social performance of “The First Hour”, dedicated to bullying among young people, one of the most pressing problems of our time. The performance is a monologue in voices, where the real story comes to life on stage. The statement not only reveals the essence of the problem, but also offers a way to a solution through consciousness, understanding and acceptance.

The performance was created by ArtLab Satbayev University Theater together with the public foundation "Together with us" with the support of Almaty City Youth Policy Department.

Satbayev University Theatre debuted on the professional stage with an important social play

Тэги: Student life
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