24 september 2021 4634

Satbayev University trains highly qualified personnel for Kazakhstan’s nuclear industry

Satbayev University trains highly qualified personnel for Kazakhstan’s  nuclear industry

Satbayev University awarded diplomas to Master’s programs graduates of International Scientific and Educational Center at Nuclear Industry that was created in cooperation with JSC "NNC "Kazatomprom."

When presenting the diplomas, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at Satbayev University Bakhyt Zhautikov congratulated the graduates and wished them the implementation of their plans and success in their work.

- We can say with confidence that the knowledge obtained by graduates will help to build a successful career and become highly qualified specialists at the international level, - said Bakhyt Zhautikov.

The presentation was also attended by JSC "NNC" Kazatomprom " and K.Turyssov  Geology, Oil and Mining Institute representatives.

- I am very pleased that diploma awarding to our graduates was timed to Nuclear Industry Employees Day, our professional holiday - said Lyazzat Kozhakhmetova, Human Resources department at JSC "NNC "Kazatomprom".

- Let me congratulate the graduates and wish them success! Also, our colleagues from Satbayev University, who have invested so much effort, passed so much of their knowledge on to graduates, and they just will use it in their professional career.

“Kazatomprom” company is a world leader in natural uranium extraction, the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for import and export of uranium, rare metals and nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants. The company fastens its position in the global market due to constant improvement of production and business processes, as well as training and development of personnel.

The largest scientific and methodological center of the uranium industry in Kazakhstan, MENOTSAP, created at Satbayev University, helps “Kazatomprom” in it. The mission of the center is to preserve, systematize and develop the unique production experience of JSC "NNC "Kazatomprom" and train personnel of the new generation at uranium industry. This was stated by the acting director, "Kazakhstani Nuclear University" Rector Serikzhan Yeskulov:

- When in 2005 “Kazatomprom” adopted an ambitious program to increase the production of raw materials to 15 thousand tons, one Canadian journalist said that Kazakhstan has everything for its implementation, except for one – the trained specialists. But, as you see, “Kazatomprom”, due to “Polytech”, solved the given problem. Now the vast majority of the guys we selected 16 years ago continue to work with us and occupy leading positions in the company.

To teach disciplines at Center, Association of Honorary Professors "Aksakaldar Kenessi" was formed from among the employees and veterans of National Nuclear Company, who passed on their knowledge and experience to the young shift. In addition, leading specialists from all over the world teach at ICRM, including Michel Dunet, a famous geologist, who was invited from Loren University, and Lenin Prize winner, the discoverer of uranium deposits in Kazakhstan, Halel Aubakirov.

Satbayev University has congratulated the graduates and wished them to become highly qualified specialists in their field at the international level, implement their plans and good luck on their life path!

Satbayev University подписал меморандум о сотрудничестве в сфере строительства

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