6 june 2022 4673

Satbayev University transfers its experience to the professional college of Kazakhmys Corporation

Satbayev University transfers its experience to the professional college of Kazakhmys Corporation

To improve their professional skills, teachers of the Private Institution "Polytechnic College of the Corporation" Kazakhmys "had a ten-day internship at Satbayev University in the direction of non-ferrous metallurgy and mineral processing.

The teachers studied the latest pyro- and hydrometallurgical methods of obtaining materials, got acquainted with new progressive technologies, the latest equipment in the field of metallurgy and ore dressing. Professional teachers exchanged ideas, discussed plans for joint laboratory and research work, the creation of teaching aids, and career guidance.

Practical work was carried out in the laboratories of the pyro- and hydrometallurgical direction, as well as in the laboratories of ore preparation, gravity, flotation, magnetic enrichment of ores of the department "Metallurgy and mineral processing". College teachers expressed their gratitude to the university staff for the internship conducted at the highest level.

Private Institution "Polytechnic College of Corporation "Kazakhmys" is a leader in technical vocational training in the Karaganda region, specializing in training in the field of metallurgy and programming. The internship was organized by the Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov and the Department of Work with Corporate Clients of the Institute of Distance Education and Professional Development of Satbayev University, as a result of the internship, new material was mastered in the amount of 72 hours and certificates were issued.

Satbayev University передает свой опыт профессиональному колледжу корпорации «Казахмыс»

Satbayev University передает свой опыт профессиональному колледжу корпорации «Казахмыс»

Satbayev University передает свой опыт профессиональному колледжу корпорации «Казахмыс»

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