Satbayev University will contribute to the well-being of Kazakhstanis through developments in renewable energy field

II Conference on Chinese-Kazakh Scientific and Technical Cooperation in renewable energy sources field, Astana, August 31, 2023
Conference on Chinese-Kazakh Scientific and Technical cooperation in renewable energy sources field has started its work. Conference is dedicated to "One Zone, One Road" initiative and focused on addressing the issues in green energy field. One of the active participants of the dialogue was Satbayev University.
Satbayev University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev made a presentation at the conference, in which he shared his vision and spoke about the clean energy development program at University, which includes not only training of specialists, but also a broad research program in the field of integrated use of geothermal waters, a program to improve energy efficiency and resource conservation in energy and mechanical engineering, the creation of Laboratory for solar and wind energy.
Satbayev University actively conducts research activities in renewable energy sources field. Thus, Satbayev University Institute of Physics and Technology has achieved significant success in the project to create a highly efficient solar-hydrogen power plant of modular type, which can form the basis of solar-hydrogen energy in the Republic. This is a hybrid installation that will empower to receive electrical energy not only in clear weather, but even at night.
- Based on the data of foresight-research, applying the advanced personnel planning, at Satbayev University we develop educational and research activities in renewable energy sources field, - Rector Meiram Begentayev said in his speech. - Our principal goal is to provide Kazakhstanis with access to inexpensive, reliable, sustainable and modern energy sources.
To achieve the given goal, Satbayev University signed Memorandum of cooperation with Chinese "Kazakhstan Energy Investment" company, working in the field of electric power. The main areas of collaboration are practical training of specialists and the research work. University will train specialists for the company, for whom the company will provide a base of industrial practice.
Satbayev University’s developments help the formation and growth of small-scale energy facilities based on renewable energy sources with the purpose to ensure our citizens’ comfort and well-being throughout the country.