22 november 2022 2644

Satbayev University’s printing house was named after Tandai Keneyev

Satbayev University’s printing house was named after Tandai Keneyev

On November 22, a long-awaited event took place at Satbayev University - the university publishing house was named after its founder, Tandai Keneyev.

Tandai Keneyev is a well-known satirical writer, scientist, engineer, publisher, candidate of Technical Sciences, member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, laureate of the International Literary Award "Alash". Winner of the Daraboz Prize. Author of many literary, technical and scientific works. He was a versatile personality: an inventive engineer, a sensitive teacher, a talented scientist, a well-known writer, satirist and publicist.

In 1994 Tandai Keneyev taught at Kazakh National Technical University named after K. Satpayev. He worked as a senior lecturer, associate professor, Deputy Dean of Mining Faculty, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, department head. On his initiative, publishing center was opened at the university, of which he became the first head. In order to achieve the highest quality, he carefully studied the printing business, developed printing equipment, introduced innovations, and by 2004, Polytechnic Publishing house became the best university publishing house.

Every year dozens of scientific journals and books are published here in all areas of modern scientific knowledge – educational-scientific literature for students, postgraduates, teachers and specialists, manuals for university applicants, as well as popular science, scientific fiction and reference literature.

In addition, today, many years later, the employees remember Tandai Keneyev as the best leader and thanks to their initiative; the printing house received the name of its founder as a tribute and recognition of his merits.

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