3 february 2023 3333

Satbayev University’s Rector held a speech at Digital Almaty Forum

Satbayev University’s Rector held a speech at Digital Almaty Forum

Digital Almaty 2023 Forum, held in Almaty, ended with "Digitalization of higher Education: New horizons of growth" panel session, which was attended by Rector of Polytech Meiram Begentayev.

Panel session was aimed at discussing the role of innovative technologies in advancing the higher education and ways to create a digital educational environment that facilitates access to higher education. Experts presented their theses and exchanged views on four key issues for digital education. Session was moderated owing to Science and Higher Education Minister Sayassat Nurbek.

During the session, Meiram Begentayev exchanged views with colleagues in the field of digital transformation of universities and creation of the system convenient for students’ and teachers’ usage and answered the audience’s questions.

Ректор Satbayev University выступил на форуме Digital Almaty

An integrated approach to implementing the digitalization involves creation of a new learning system that will organically include various digital tools and services that will form a single scientific and educational space online and offline. At Satbayev University, the formation of such a space goes in several directions: towards restructuring of University's business processes, active work on creating the massive open online courses and a cross-industry "digital department" and practical training of IT professionals.

With the purpose to create an educational ecosystem that meets the modern times’ requirements, University is not only working on advancing the new approaches to learning, but also actively uses transparency of processes and feedback from consumers of educational services, businesses and production, which allows not just to respond to market changes, but also to stay ahead of it.

Digital partnership and education in the new reality is one of the most important areas of Digital Almaty Forum’s work this year. Modernization of education plays a key role in solving the modern global challenges that are generated due to innovative technologies growth. Digital Almaty Forum, as the largest Tech event in Almaty with participation of business representatives, international experts and IT community, helps accelerate digital technologies development as well as improve education and science quality.

Ректор Satbayev University выступил на форуме Digital Almaty

Ректор Satbayev University выступил на форуме Digital Almaty

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