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15 november 2023 3765

Sayassat Nurbek met with student ombudsmen of Kazakhstan

Sayassat Nurbek met with student ombudsmen of Kazakhstan

On the eve of International Students' Day, a meeting of Minister of RK Science and Higher Education Sayassat Nurbek with representatives of Youth Affairs Council under RK MSHE took place at Satbayev University. The meeting was held within the framework of III meeting of Council and was accompanied by a broad program divided into official and creative parts.

The event was attended by members of Republican Student Council, regional chairmen of Alliance of Kazakhstan’s students, student activists of student self-government organizations and regional student ombudsmen.

Sayassat Nurbek met with student ombudsmen of Kazakhstan

During the meeting, Minister addressed the youth and the commissioners for students' rights and noted that student time is the best time when young people can realize themselves in studies, science, public life and startups.

- Dear students, today you have all the resources and opportunities for comprehensive self-realization. It should be noted that our young people are very creative, talented, educated. It is necessary to direct your knowledge in the right direction and create informative and high-quality content from it. In recent years, young Kazakhstani scientists have shown excellent scientific achievements and made discoveries in various spheres of life. Our task is to help you, students, create the best conditions for realizing your potential and demonstrate talents and results to the general public," said Sayassat Nurbek.

Sayassat Nurbek met with student ombudsmen of Kazakhstan

Sayassat Nurbek met with student ombudsmen of Kazakhstan

Sayassat Nurbek met with student ombudsmen of Kazakhstan

As part of the official part of Council meeting, Head of the department presented letters of thanks to the regional ombudsmen and expressed gratitude for their work in the direction of youth policy.

Activists Ulan Nauken, Sabyrzhan Kuandyk and ombudsmen Aruzhan Bakhitova and Darkhan Baypak spoke about their activities as student ombudsmen, shared their experience in developing the domestic tourism, popularizing the mass sports and spreading the financial literacy among the younger generation and youth.

It should be noted that in 2022, Student Ombudsman Institute was established under RK MSHE. In August of this year, regional ombudsmen were selected in each region of the country. Commissioners for Students' Rights solve social and everyday problems, academic issues, and also conduct monitoring activities to identify violations against university students.

Student Council ended with an open microphone and a ceremony of awarding the certificates to student ombudsmen.

As part of the creative part, TEDx trainings, intellectual contests and festive events are held at “Medeu” high-altitude skating rink.

Sayassat Nurbek met with student ombudsmen of Kazakhstan

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