12 september 2022 3784

Sayassat Nurbek visited Operative Headquarters for dormitory issues

Sayassat Nurbek visited Operative Headquarters for dormitory issues

On September 12, the Minister, who arrived in Almaty on an official business visit, attended Operative Headquarters that was opened to help the freshmen and solve the problem of dormitories, got acquainted with its work, met with students and their parents as well as answered the questions.

Саясат Нурбек посетил Оперативный Штаб по вопросам общежитий

Operational Headquarters is an initiative aimed primarily at helping those students who belong to the unprotected segments of the population, as well as nonresident students. The headquarters coordinates the placement of all students in all educational institutions in Almaty. After the student's application, the staff representatives contact the university where he studies and seek to provide a place. During the three days of Headquarters’ work, 88 calls were registered and 13 first-year students were placed.

Саясат Нурбек посетил Оперативный Штаб по вопросам общежитий

At the moment, the issue related to dormitories for students attracts the whole public’s attention, because as of September 6, 87,343 students live in dormitories in Kazakhstan. And although all freshmen in Almaty have been provided with dormitories, more places are needed to supply all those in need. As part of the given task, 5 dormitories will be commissioned in Almaty by the end of the year. Two of them with 500 seats are under construction. 3 more dormitories with 700 beds are being renovated as well.

If you find yourself in a difficult situation, do not know how to solve the problem with housing in such a big city as Almaty, come to Operative Headquarters. We are waiting for you 24 to 7!

The contact phone: +77786556083.

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