12 december 2023 3284

Scientists from all over the world gathered at Satbayev University to discuss the issues in polymer and composite materials field

Scientists from all over the world gathered at Satbayev University to discuss the issues in polymer and composite materials field

Satbayev University hosted International Conference on polymers, composites, nanocomposites and bio-composites in 2023, organized with University. Mahatma Gandhi and dedicated to 90th anniversary of the birth of a public and political figure, a world-renowned scientist, professor Yerengaip Shaikhutdinov. Conference was opened by Satbayev University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev, who thanked the guests for their participation:

– Currently, the need for advanced materials of a new generation in modern technological solutions has led to elaborating the composites, nano- and bio-composites. Elaborating the composite materials is an important task in various fields of science and technology," he stressed in his speech.

Conference became a platform for the exchange of ideas and discussions on research, synthesis and application of composite, nanocomposite, bio-composite and polymer materials. It is the work on the study of these substances that is associated with the name of Yerengaip Shaykhutdinov, who devoted his life to the formation and development of the Kazakh scientific school of organic synthesis and polymer chemistry.

Yerengaip Malikovich also created the foundation for modern achievements of our University: his identity with Satbayev University’s Rector received a high status of National University and was named Kanysh Satbayev. The talent of the organizer, the highest professionalism, huge contribution of Yerengaip Malikovich in the development of the public received a high opinion of the state. The scientist’s merits were granted due to the state awards: medals "Kurmet", "Parassat", "Barys" of III degree, the Ibrai Altynsarin medal for special achievements in education and pedagogical science sphere, "10 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" medal, "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" badge etc.

Today, Satbayev University once again has paid tribute to his achievements, continuing his work in the framework of the conference on polymers, composites, nanocomposites and bio-composites. Conference brought together scientists from different countries, including Austria, Italy, France, Great Britain, Romania, India, Poland, Qatar and the CIS countries. Professors Thomas Sabu and Santha Joshi Kunnelveli represented Mahatma Gandhi University, and Professor Ahmed Abdelhai Ahmed Abdallah represented Texas A&M University in Qatar.

Reports and presentations were devoted to the fundamental and applied fields of composite, nanocomposite, bio-composite and polymer materials.

- Intensive research is underway in many scientific centers of the world to obtain new generation composite materials, - said the conference organizer, associate professor Sana Kabdrakhmanova. The given area has very good development prospects and is expected to become one of the important catalysts for promoting the high-performance and innovative industries.

Indeed, many composites surpass traditional materials and alloys in their mechanical properties, allowing the creation of new effective devices, radically changing people's lives. Therefore, the development of "smart" composite materials is a promising area of research at Satbayev University.

Scientists from all over the world gathered at Satbayev University to discuss the issues in polymer and composite materials field

Scientists from all over the world gathered at Satbayev University to discuss the issues in polymer and composite materials field

Scientists from all over the world gathered at Satbayev University to discuss the issues in polymer and composite materials field

Scientists from all over the world gathered at Satbayev University to discuss the issues in polymer and composite materials field

Scientists from all over the world gathered at Satbayev University to discuss the issues in polymer and composite materials field

Scientists from all over the world gathered at Satbayev University to discuss the issues in polymer and composite materials field

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