7 april 2022 2965

Scientists of Satbayev University made presentations at the Conference "Problems of modern urbanization: continuity and innovations"

Scientists of Satbayev University made presentations at the Conference "Problems of modern urbanization: continuity and innovations"

On March 22-23, 2022, the International Scientific Conference "Problems of Modern Urbanization: Continuity and Innovation" was held, organized by the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, named after M.V. Lomonosov with the participation of Satbayev University, the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences and the Russian Geographical Society. The conference was dedicated to the Geourban Readings in memory of Academician of the RAASN, Professor E.N. Percik.

The scientific conference discussed the most relevant scientific developments on the problems of modern urbanization, promising areas for the introduction of innovative methods of urban design in the practice of urban planning. The results obtained in the development of urban planning plans for cities and settlements will have a significant impact on the formation of a safe environment as a single space for human activity and the natural environment.

The conference was attended by teachers of Satbayev University - Professor Abilov Alexey with a report on the topic "On some problems of territorial planning in modern Kazakhstan", senior lecturers Yaskevich Vladimir and Khodzhikov Anton with a report "Information modeling and geographic information systems in modern urban planning". The reports aroused great interest, echoing the topical issues highlighted by other conference participants and revealing new aspects of the problems under consideration. Articles based on the reports will be published in the conference proceedings.

Conference program

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