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25 september 2024 1921

Seminar on "Adal Urpak" project related to forming an anti-corruption culture among young people was held at Satbayev University

Seminar on "Adal Urpak" project related to forming an anti-corruption culture among young people was held at Satbayev University

Within the framework of “Adal Urpak” project, the anti-corruption compliance service of Satbayev University organized the seminar for students on "Formation of an anti-corruption culture among young people" topic, which attracted the attention of students to the issues of combating the corruption.

The seminar was attended by the head of the project office of "Adaldyk Alany" in Almaty, Marat Kalimoldin, public figure, president of Union "El Birligi" Sholpan Rizabekova., as well as an activist of "Zhanaru" movement M. Akhmetsafin. The experts shared their experience in fighting the corruption and spoke about the importance of social activism and intolerance to corruption from a young age.

The seminar was organized for second-year students as part of the training course "Fundamentals of forming an anti-corruption culture and law". According to the participants, the event became useful and informative, contributing to the formation of a conscious and active attitude among young people towards the problem of corruption. During the seminar, participants were shown videos on the topic of fighting the corruption, which helped them to better understand the scale of the problem.

The organizers and participants noted that the formation of intolerance to corruption among young people is an important step towards building an honest and fair society.

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