26 april 2017 10609

Students-geologists of KazNRTU participated in the International Scientific Symposium at the Tomsk Polytechnic University

Students-geologists of KazNRTU participated in the International Scientific Symposium at the Tomsk Polytechnic University

April 3-7, Tomsk Polytechnic University hosted the 21st International Scientific Symposium of Students and Young Scientists "Problems of Geology and Development of Subsurface Resources". 3-year geologists-students of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business after K. Turysov Abiltaeva Aysamal, Doskali Nazym and Uralbaev Erbol led by Yalkunzhan Arshamov delivered scientific reports and were awarded with diplomas.

The students are executors of the grant scientific project «Revaluation of the industrial prospects of porphyry copper mineralization continental volcano-plutonic belts (Devonian and Late Paleozoic) of Kazakhstan in the light of modern geodynamic concepts», the scientific adviser of the project is candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral depositsYalkunzhan Arshamov.

Scientific adviser Y.Arshamov, while visiting Tomsk Polytechnic University, met with the Director of the Institute of Natural Resources, Artem Boyev, with the Head of the Department "Geology and Prospecting of Minerals" Roman Gavrilov, and also with the Head of the Department of "Geoecology and Geochemistry" Yegor Yazikov. During the meeting, issues of further cooperation in the field of scientific and educational programs and issues of advanced training courses for the faculty of the Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits in the field«Geology and exploration of uranium deposits»were discussed.

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