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3 april 2017 10234

Students of KazNRTU took the medal place on IX Republican subject Olympiad

Students of KazNRTU took the medal place on IX Republican subject Olympiad

Students of KazNRTU took the medal place on IX Republican subject Olympiad among students of all technical universities.

 On March 29, the team of specialty «5B072100-Chemical Technologies of Organic Substance»: Ayazbaeva Aygerim, Smagzamov Azamat, Syrlybai Ayajan, Rakhatbekova Anar,  Shakhmanov Temirlan, took the second place in KazNU after al-Farabi, on March 30, the team of specialty «5B072000- Chemical Technologies of Inorganic Substance»: Neverova Christina and Kim Natalya, also took second place in SKSU after M.O.Auezov.

We thank all the members of the teams and leaders for the brilliant victory, behind which there is a huge work done.

We wish you continued success!

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