11 december 2023 6100

The 1st Geologists Festival “GEOFEST-2023” was held at Satbayev University

The 1st Geologists Festival “GEOFEST-2023” was held at Satbayev University

The 1st festival of geologists “GEOFEST 2023” organized by the youth organization of geologists “GeoPolytech” was held at Satbayev University. The festival has become a platform for communication between experienced practicing professionals and young students who have chosen the life of a geological engineer.

The festival brought together experts from all over Kazakhstan and representatives of the companies Kazakhmys Barlau, ERG Exploration, Qazaq Geophysics, SRK Consulting, KazMinerals, Dolon, Micromine, PONEN, AlmasGeo, students and teachers of KSTU named after A. Saginov and others.

In a solemn atmosphere festival guests noted the merits of the chief geologist of the mineral resources management of KAZ Minerals - Bayan Alzhanova, who was awarded the medal “Honored Geologist of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” The award was presented on behalf of the Geology Committee by Akbatyr Nadyrbaev - advisor to the General Director of Kazakhmys Barlau.

The festival continued with panel discussions on the topic “Geologist in the modern digital world: who is he and what should be his contribution to the development of the mining industry in the country.” Participants shared their vision and established new connections in a professional environment.

A large place at the festival was given to creativity: the festival was held at the ArtLab site, it was opened by the anthem of young geologists performed by the Naiza group, and part of the festival was a photo exhibition organized by Satbayev University and the companies Kazakhmys Barlau, Qazaq Geophysics, Kazminerals and others.

“GEOFEST-2023” is another valuable impetus in the development of the geology of our Republic and its popularization among young people. Geology is developing dynamically, representing a fusion of traditional and modern technologies. Geologists act not only as researchers, but also as developers of advanced computer technologies and digital content. The mission of the festival is to transfer the knowledge and experience of the older generation to the younger, preserving unique traditions and maintaining continuous continuity in the field of geological exploration of the mining industry.

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