24 august 2021 7883

The 2021 y. procedure for passing the competition at the military department

In the period from 11 to 10 September 2021, at the Institute of Military Affairs (military department) of the NJSC "KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev", a competitive selection of student candidates is carried out for training under the program of reserve officers and sergeants in the offline mode. 

Students who have applied and returned medical examination cards will undergo professional psychological testing and physical fitness tests.  

Delivery is made on the basis of the military department according to the schedule.  

Candidates who have passed the vocational psychological testing will have passed the vocational psychological testing and will be admitted to the next stage of passing the standards for physical training.  

The passage of each stage of the competition is allowed one time.  

Physical fitness check will be carried out at the CSKA stadium at Almaty st.  Satpayev, 6 B, corner.  st.  Nazarbayev according to the schedule.

A student who does not agree with the result of the stages of the competition, on the same day, applies with a written statement (in any form) to the chairman of the selection committee. The entrance to the military department and the CSKA stadium will be carried out by the Ashyq QR code.

Competition schedule

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