28 june 2021 5032

The age is not a hindrance for making a heroic deed

The age is not a hindrance for making a heroic deed

How could a young man with a clear mind, a cherished dream and a distinct goal think that such an adventure would happen in his life?!

On June 20, 2021, Abylai, who was reading a book in the cool wind close by the fountain near State Circus in Almaty, suddenly heard someone’s voice "Help" and, without hesitation, tried to help those who were  facing a fight to the death in the fountain. Without thinking the boy reached the place, got into the water and was electrocuted, despite it,  his only thought was to rescue the two children and their mother who were crying. One of the passers called an ambulance.

The victims of the incident are still in hospital. The husband of the woman who was electrocuted made a call and said that his family started feeling better, and he would be happy to see them when they returned home safely.

Abylai is the Almaty region’s native. He is the fourth child in the family. His parents are ordinary people. After leaving the secondary school with honors, he entered KazNRTU named after K. Satbayev.

- My parents always tell me that it is number one technical university in Kazakhstan, as well as about famous academicians and scientists, engineers who graduated from the given university, especially about «Dos-Mukassan”ensemble of pop vocal instruments. Surely I became interested and due to the Internet I have been familiar with more detailed information on the university and specialties as well. My specialty is «Automation and robotics.» I am currently studying in the 2nd year by my specialty and really like the chosen by me profession.

Abylai said that at receiving the appreciation letter from President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. He came to the conclusion that the gratitude will help him move on.

On June 22, 2021, Emergency Situations Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded Abylai with "For courage in emergency situations" badge.

If we always do good, our hearts will become warmer. I would say that doing good regardless of nationality and status is an indicator of spiritual wealth and morality level of an individual.

Our student, our pride Abylai Balapanov is exactly one of them.

Akmaral Beisebayeva

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